(Pronoun) What is pronoun?

 A Pronoun is a word that is used in place of a noun.

 some more words are used in place of noun we call them pronouns that replace nouns.                                               

 He, we use the pronoun he in place of a boy's name. we use the pronoun she in place of a girl's name we use the pronoun it in place of a thing's name we use i for myself we use you when i'm talking to someone else we use we when i am with someone so to address both of us we say we. we use the pronoun they when we're talking about other the group. And the rule is when we are changing a noun through the pronoun we drop the word the before the noun so we just drop it we do not write that or say that and in place of girl we use the pronoun she for girl she and then we say is standing so in place of the girl we have written she now next sentence. 

Examples Alia is eating so Alia is a girl the pronoun she is eating                                         

The boy is playing football. He is playing football etc.

pronoun are words like this, that, or someone,                                                                             

 Eg sana and his sister Maryam enjoy eating their mother's cooking pronouns are his and there.                               

There are seven types of pronouns they are 

personal pronouns, 

demonstrative pronouns

interrogative pronouns

relative pronouns

indefinite pronouns

reciprocal pronouns

and finally reflexive and intensive pronouns.                                                                                                                                                      personal pronouns first personal pronouns are 

used for a specific person or object we 

have three cases within personal pronouns they are the subjective case what or who the sentence is about the objective case which is what or who is receiving the action in the sentence and the possessive case who the object belongs to in the sentence let's look at some examples in the sentence can you help me wash your car we have an example of all three personal pronouns. subjective pronoun is you because the sentence is about you helping me 

the objective pronoun is me because the 

action is help and I will be receiving 

the help the possessive pronoun is her 

this is because the car belongs to this person the monstrance of pronouns are used to show one or more nouns that might be far or near in distance and time they include the words those these this and that in the sentence which folder you want there are many different 

ways to describe which one you want or 

you could just point and say that one see how easy pronouns make our lives. 

interrogative pronouns are just question words we use them to ask questions about the nouns we are referring to who what where why which these are all examples of interrogative pronouns most of these 

pronouns start with a wh which ball is 
yours ➤relative pronouns are used to 
connect clauses together this is done by 
referring to a noun from a previous 
clause we can use words like ho which 
boom whose and that to do this my 
friends who are very happy indefinite 
pronouns are used when referring to 
things that are unspecified somebody 
anyone many nothing nowhere these are 
all indefinite pronouns anybody could 
have done it. 
➤reciprocal pronouns are pronouns we use 
when a group of nouns are doing the same 
thing there are only two reciprocal 
pronouns and they are each other and one 
another they gave each other gifts. 
➤reflexive and intensive pronouns are 
used when showing a noun which has been 
used in an earlier part of the sentence 
these types of pronouns end with self 
ourselves and include the words yourself 
myself herself and himself a reflexive 
pronoun is a key part of the sentence 
and refers to the subject in the 
sentence example I made coffee for 
myself the sentence contains a reflexive 
pronoun because if I remove the 
reflexive pronoun the sentence is 
➤intensive pronouns are used 
to add emphasis to the subject if we 
remove them from the sentence the 
sentence is still complete this is how 
we can see the difference between 
reflexive and intensive pronouns the man 
himself came through the door if we 
remove the intensive pronoun the same 
thing still means the same thing 
there is just less emphasis on the 


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